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Patrushka’s art portfolio of original art for sale. Themes included: Portraiture • Realist/Surreal • Day Of The Dead • Abstracts Landscapes and Cityscapes

More Art - everything else and then some...

This collection is composed of artworks which didn’t fit clearly within other categories. Artworks here have many different subjects and themes - political, fantasy, pop culture, music, mental disorders, spiritual, emotive and myth based art.

Winter In America

Winter In America by patrushka 16.jpg
Winter In America by patrushka 16.jpg

Winter In America


Title: “Winter In America”

Size: 16″ x 20″

Medium: Gouache on wood panel

This piece was inspired by the depression and disappointment I felt after the recent electons here in America. That our “democratic” country would elect such an ignorant, sexist, greedy, selfish and racist man was extremely disillusioning. Trump is a blustering bully and lacks the wisdom, experience or maturity needed to perform the task of a presidential leader.

At the same time the sad but wonderful Gil Scott-Heron song, “Winter In America” kept echoing in my head…

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